Branding is fundamental to many businesses, their products and services and provides the “shop window” of attracting and retaining customers and clients.
Branding takes myriad forms including trade mark names, logos, stylisation, trade dress, get-up and reputation and includes internet-based rights such as domain name-related matters. Identifying such assets, determining how best to protect them and capitalise on them commercially through licensing, enforcement or the like involves complex analysis, skills and experience.
Our trade mark team has extensive experience acquired over decades in a wide-range of industries and as executive level, in-house IP advisers to guide clients in the most cost-effective way to secure and derive value from their branding and related assets. Our philosophy involves taking a strategic, business-led approach to managing protection and use of branding to develop assets of genuine value to support the business goals.
In addition to Peter Bawden, Stephen Geary and Jodie Flynn carrying out professional trade mark work, Sue Gentle manages all trade mark administration activities and is often the first point of contact with our clients. Our trade mark team also includes Jonathan Linn, a long-standing consultant to Bawden & Associates, who has extensive experience in complex trade mark matters including opposition, litigation, licensing and strategic development of trade mark assets and portfolios.